i want to get data from firebase firestore and put that into a tableview in a new view but when tableview is getting data it's nil and i got unwrapping error like this picturescreenshot of unwrapping error
this is my tableview code :
class ParcelViewController:UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {
let tableCell = ParcelTableViewCell()
var parcelDataModel = MainViewModel()
@IBOutlet weak var parcelTable: UITableView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.parcelDataModel.vc = self
view.backgroundColor = .white
var selectionDelegate : ParcelSelectionDelegate!
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
if parcelDataModel.parcels.count > 0 {
return self.parcelDataModel.parcels.count
} else {
return 0
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = parcelTable.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as! ParcelTableViewCell
let current = self.parcelDataModel.parcels[indexPath.row]
cell.parcelTitleLabel.text = current.parcel_type
cell.parcelImage.image = UIImage(named: current.parcel_img_url)
cell.parcelWeightlabel.text = "\(current.parcel_min_weight) - \(current.parcel_max_weight)"
cell.parcelDescriptionLabel.text = current.parcel_description
return cell
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let selected = self.parcelDataModel.parcels[indexPath.row]
selectionDelegate.parcelDidSelect(parcelType: selected.parcel_type)
and i want to this code self.parcelDataModel.vc = self
comes before viewdidload
i've tried it in loadView but it didn't worked.
i just had to change my if statement in numberOfRowsInSection like below
if parcelDataModel.parcels != nil {
return parcelDataModel.parcels.count
} else {
return 0
and it works now.