I am trying to create a function that would parse php code and return the result in pure text, as if it was being read in a browser. Like this one:
public function PHPToText($data, $php_text) {
//TODO code
return $text;
I would call the function like this, with the params that you see below:
$data = array('email' => 'test@so.com');
$string = "<?= " . '$data' . "['email']" . "?>";
$text = $this->PHPToText($data, $string);
Now echo $text
should give: test@so.com
Any ideas or a function that can achieve this nicely?
It's a bad bad bad bad bad idea, but basically:
function PHPToText($data, $string) {
return ob_get_clean();
You really should reconsider this sort of design. Executing dynamically generated code is essentially NEVER a good idea.