I am working on an Apps Script project where I need to send a reply to the recipient of the original message within the same Gmail thread. I have tried using the available methods in the GmailApp service, but I couldn't find a direct way to achieve this.
Here's the scenario:
I send an initial email to a recipient.
I want to send a reply to the that email (original message of the thread) and send it to the recipient of the original message within the same thread, as a reminder or follow-up.
I have explored methods like message.reply() thread.reply() and forward() in the GmailApp service, but they don't provide the functionality I need. The reply() method only sends the reply to the sender of the original message, while the forward() method forwards the entire thread to a new recipient.
this is the main snippet of my code:
var emailBody = " Hello, This is a reminder to the previous email" ;
var thread = GmailApp.getThreadById(existingThreadId);
var messages = thread.getMessages();
var originalMessage = messages[0];
var recipientEmail = originalMessage.getTo();// Get the recipient's email address from the original message
// Reply to the thread and send the reply to the recipient of the original email
originalMessage.reply("", { to: recipientEmail, htmlBody: emailBody });
Is there a way to send a reply within the same Gmail thread, specifically addressing the recipient of the original message?
I have also considered using the createDraft() method, but it creates a new email separate from the original thread.
Any guidance or workaround to achieve this functionality using Apps Script would be greatly appreciated.
Note: I have already reviewed the documentation for the GmailThread class in the Apps Script documentation, but couldn't find a suitable method for my requirement.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Much thanks to the basic post, where I could find a way to complete the task. The result is here:
function sendReminder() {
const THREAD_ID = '...'; // the thread of the original message
const THREAD = GmailApp.getThreadById(THREAD_ID);
const ORIGINAL_MSG = THREAD.getMessages()[0];
// https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.messages/get
var raw = Gmail.Users.Messages.get("me", ORIGINAL_MSG.getId(), {format: "raw"}).raw;
const ORIGINAL_TO = raw.reduce(bytesToString_, "").split("\n").filter((line) => /^To: /.test(line))[0];
Logger.log(ORIGINAL_TO); // the original message header "To:"
const DRAFT_ID = THREAD.createDraftReply('Hello, This is a reminder to the previous email').getId();
// https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.drafts/get
raw = Gmail.Users.Drafts.get("me", DRAFT_ID, {format: "raw"}).message.raw;
var msg = raw.reduce(bytesToString_, ""), headerChanged = false;
// "To:" header replacement
msg = msg.split("\n").map(function (line) {
if (!headerChanged && /^To: /.test(line)) {
headerChanged = true;
return line;
Logger.log(msg); // ready to send message (headers+body)
const RESOURCE = {
message: {
threadId: THREAD_ID,
raw: Utilities.base64EncodeWebSafe(msg)
// https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.drafts/update
const DRAFT = Gmail.Users.Drafts.update(RESOURCE, "me", DRAFT_ID);
// https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.drafts/send
Gmail.Users.Drafts.send({id: DRAFT.id}, "me");
function bytesToString_(acc, byte) {
return acc + String.fromCharCode(byte);
We've used Gmail service, exact method links are in code. General steps in the above code are:
At last we've used the additional bytesToString_
function for convertion.