From mycsv.csv
$data[7] has these:
I want to calculate and put GB, so they become like this:
What I did:
$a = str_ireplace("/"," ",$data[7]);
echo (floor($a/1000000000))."GB";
But it gives error for the ones that have /
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in... on line 45 4GB
Help Please... Thank you
Sorry, I think I describe it wrong.
So, I have a csv file with many data in it.
while (! feof($CSVvar)) {
$data = fgetcsv($CSVvar, 1000, ",");
if (! empty($data)) {
<td><?php echo $data[0]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $data[7]; ?></td></tr>
will give among others:
then another
and so on..
You can't floor
a string like 4294967296 4294967296
after you do the str_ireplace
. You will need a bit of looping for this but I have tried to make it as short as possible for you keeping it readable(hopefully).
So, split the string based on new lines so you would get each string in a separate array index.
Now, for each string of the form x/y
or x
itself, we split the string based on /
. Now, we divide each number in the array by 1e9
to convert bytes to Giga bytes and implode them back with a GB
suffix attached to it.
Finally, we collect these results in a new array and implode them back using a new line character.
$result = [];
foreach(explode("\n", $data[7]) as $str){
$result[] = implode("GB/", array_map(fn($v) => floor($v / 1e9), explode("/", $str))). 'GB';
echo implode("\n", $result);