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How to define multi type as one type in golang

func GetFailedReasonAndErr (xxx) (string, error){

func AnyFailed (args ...(string, error)) {
   for _, arg := range args {
      if arg.error != nil {
         return arg

func main () {
    reason, err := AnyFailed(GetFailedReasonAndErr(yyy), GetFailedReasonAndErr(zzz))
    println(reason, err)

code above is unable to be complied, because "args ...(string, error)" is not allowed. can I define (string, error) as one type ? or any better way ?(may use struct?) like : type reasonAndError (string, error)


  • can I define (string, error) as one type ?

    No, not with that syntax. Go does not have tuples.

    (may use struct?) like : type reasonAndError (string, error)

    Yes, declare a struct type and use that. The syntax for declaring struct types is as follows:

    type reasonAndError struct {
        reason string
        err    error

    Then, to use it, you can do:

    func GetFailedReasonAndErr(xxx) reasonAndError {
        // ...
    func AnyFailed(args ...reasonAndError) (string, error) {
       for _, arg := range args {
          if arg.err != nil {
             return arg.reason, arg.err
       return "", nil
    func main () {
        reason, err := AnyFailed(GetFailedReasonAndErr(yyy), GetFailedReasonAndErr(zzz))
        println(reason, err)