I'm using the has_attached_file from paperclip gem to calculate a checksum on the file's content. By default, this calculation will be applied to the column that has the name fingerprint on it but the problem is that I have two columns that must have "fingerprint" in the name. Is there a way to specify in which column Paperclip should calculate the checksum?
here's what I've tried
hash_digest: Digest::SHA256,
hash_digest_column: :original_file_fingerprint
but nothing gets updated. Any ideas? https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip#checksum--fingerprint
So first, there's no problem having multiple columns ending in _fingerprint
, Paperclip only uses the column named after the attachment, ie. file_fingerprint
for has_attached_file :file
Second, Paperclip doesn't actually care about columns, it cares about attribute getters/setters, so if you have to conform to some legacy database schema that uses file_fingerprint
for something else, then you can always just redefine the attribute methods to use a different column.
There are two options depending on whether you still need access to (the actual) file_fingerprint
from your Rails model.
If you don't need access to it:
alias_attribute :file_fingerprint, :original_file_fingerprint
If you do (these will not change/alter Rails DB query syntax, like create
, update
, where
clauses etc):
def file_fingerprint
def file_fingerprint= v
self[:original_file_fingerprint] = v