I have a column with all numbers called id
. I'd like to get the median value of the difference between ids. For example, if the ids (sorted ascendingly) are [1, 5, 30, 35], then the difference would be [4, 25, 5] and the median. would be 5.
I tried
SELECT id - LAG(id) OVER (order by id) FROM `table` ORDER BY id ASC
and this produced a column of differences. However, if I try
SELECT AVG(id - LAG(id) OVER (order by id)) FROM `table` ORDER BY id ASC
for median, then I get an error that says Analytic functions cannot be arguments to aggregate functions. How can I solve this?
You can’t mix window and aggregate functions like that. You would need to use lag()
in a subquery, then aggregate in the outer query:
select avg(id - lag_id) avg_id_diff
from (
select id, lag(id) over(order by id) lag_id
from mytable
) t
If you are looking for the median difference rather than the average:
select percentile_cont(id - lag_id, 0.5) over() mediam_id_diff
from (
select id, lag(id) over(order by id) lag_id
from mytable
) t
limit 1
is available as a window function only (not as an aggregate function), which is why we use over()
and limit