Why does the following, given that the RegModule instance defines its return as: return a = RegModule (\_s _i d -> return (a, 0, d))
, not return [((c, i+1, d), Int, d)]
, and why does the second case expression not need to be written with return []
scanChar :: RegModule d Char
scanChar = RegModule (\s i d ->
case drop i s of
(c:cs) -> return (c, i+1, d)
[] -> []
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad
type CharSet = S.Set Char
data RE =
RClass Bool CharSet
newtype RegModule d a =
RegModule {runRegModule :: String -> Int -> d -> [(a, Int, d)]}
instance Monad (RegModule d) where
return a = RegModule (\_s _i d -> return (a, 0, d))
m >>= f =
RegModule (\s i d -> do (a, j, d') <- runRegModule m s i d
(b, j', d'') <- runRegModule (f a) s (i + j) d'
return (b, j + j', d''))
instance Functor (RegModule d) where fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (RegModule d) where pure = return; (<*>) = ap
scanChar :: RegModule d Char
scanChar = RegModule (\s i d ->
case drop i s of
(c:cs) -> return (c, i+1, d)
[] -> []
regfail :: RegModule d a
regfail = RegModule (\_s _i d -> []
regEX :: RE -> RegModule [String] ()
regEX (RClass b cs) = do
next <- scanChar
if (S.member next cs)
then return ()
else regfail
runRegModuleThrice :: RegModule d a -> String -> Int -> d -> [(a, Int, d)]
runRegModuleThrice matcher input startPos state =
let (result1, pos1, newState1) = head $ runRegModule matcher input startPos state
(result2, pos2, newState2) = head $ runRegModule matcher input pos1 newState1
(result3, pos3, newState3) = head $ runRegModule matcher input pos2 newState2
in [(result1, pos1, newState1), (result2, pos2, newState2), (result3, pos3, newState3)]
It's a matter of type inference. In the code:
scanChar :: RegModule d Char
scanChar = RegModule (\s i d ->
case drop i s of
(c:cs) -> return (c, i+1, d)
[] -> []
the RegModule
constructor on the right hand side has type:
RegModule :: (String -> Int -> d -> [(a, Int, d)]) -> RegModule d a
Since scanChar
has type signature RegModule d Char
, Haskell unifies the types RegModule d Char
(on the left) with RegModule d a
(on the right), resulting in the unification of the type variable a
with Char
. Therefore, the expected type of the function passed to the RegModule
constructor is:
String -> Int -> d -> [(Char, Int, d)]
Note that, so far, we've only considered the type signature for scanChar
, and the type of the constructor RegModule
. Nothing from the various instances for RegModule
has been used.
Anyway, the anonymous lambda \s i d -> ...
gets unified with this type, so the arguments s
, i
, and d
must have type String
, Int
, and d
respectively, as you'd expect from their names, while the body must have type [(Char, Int, d)]
. Since the body of the anonymous lambda is a case
expression, every expression on the right-hand side of one of the cases must have that same type, [(Char, Int, d)]
. So, we have:
return (c, i+1, d) :: [(Char, Int, d)] -- for the first case
[] :: [(Char, Int, d)] -- for the second case
The return
function is polymorphic with type (Monad m) => t -> m t
, so to unify this particular return
expression with its type, Haskell unifies m
with the list functor []
and t
with the type of the argument passed to (c, i+1, d)
, namely (Char, Int, d)
. This instantiates return
to the type for the []
return :: t -> [t]
and the list for elements of type (Char, Int, d)
in particular:
return :: (Char, Int, d) -> [(Char, Int, d)]
So, it's the return
function for the list monad that's used, and -- given its definition -- you could replace the code with:
(c:cs) -> [(c, i+1, d)]
and it would have the same meaning.
On the other hand, if the []
on the RHS of the last case was replaced with return []
, the compiler would attempt to unify the general type signature for return
return :: (Monad m) => t -> m t
by unifying the argument type t
with the type of the empty list [] :: [u]
giving the type equality:
t ~ [u]
for some u
, while at the same type unifying the type of the return []
expression m t
with the expected type based on the type inference above, namely [(Char, Int, d)]
, giving the type equalities:
m ~ []
t ~ (Char, Int, d)
Since the type equality t ~ [u]
is incompatible with the type equality t ~ (Char, Int, d)
, this would be a type error:
Return.hs:29:18-19: error:
• Couldn't match expected type: (Char, Int, d)
with actual type: [a0]
In the end, none of the type inference above uses the type of return
for RegModule d