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How to use UpKeep Automation Payable function In Chainlink

I want to send native ETH to another smart contract address using a function. But when I try to send using payable(toaddress).send function or call value function it throws error. And say that I have to use use Payable function to send to another address.


function performUpkeep(bytes calldata /* performData */) external payable override {
      (bool sent, ) ={value: 10000000000}("");



I have tried with some functions with payable. All of them worked perfectly. But when I try to use payable for performUpkeep. It does not work.


  • The contract that you should automate is the one that is going to send the money not the one that is going to receive, so think of that I create 2 possibilities that you could do:


    // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
    contract Receiver {
        receive() external payable  { 
        function giveMeMoney() external payable {

    Sender.sol (Automate this contract using Chainlink)

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
    interface IReceiver {
        function giveMeMoney() external payable;
    contract Sender {
        address receiverAddress;
        IReceiver receiverContract;
        constructor(address _receiverAddress) {
            receiverAddress = _receiverAddress;
            receiverContract = IReceiver(_receiverAddress);
        receive() external payable  { 
        function sendEth(uint256 amount) public {
            if(address(this).balance > amount) {
        function sendEthWithMethod(uint256 amount) public {
            receiverContract.giveMeMoney{value: amount}();