I am trying to transform a date column to the next business day after each date (if the date isn't already a business day in which case it remains unchanged). To do this I am using a Numpy function called busday_offset which takes a Numpy array as its first parameter. The line of code bellow doesn't work because pl.col('creation_date') isn't a Polars column but some kind of abstract object. Thus, ".to_numpy" can't be called on it to convert the column to a numpy array.
pl.lit(np.busday_offset(pl.col('creation_date').to_numpy(), 0, roll='forward'))
-> AttributeError: 'Expr' object has no attribute 'to_numpy'
I am aware that a workaround would be to use the ".get_column" method on the "sales_orders" table as such:
pl.lit(np.busday_offset(sales_orders.get_column('creation_date').to_numpy(), 0, roll='forward'))
But this lacks elegance and makes it impossible to have nested "with_columns" statements as such:
pl.lit(np.busday_offset(sales_orders.get_column('creation_date'), 0, roll='forward')).alias('order_acknowledgement_date')
pl.lit(np.busday_offset(sales_orders.get_column('order_acknowledgement_date'), 2, roll='forward')).alias('ship_due_date')
-> ColumnNotFoundError: order_acknowledgement_date This indeed doesn't work because "order_acknowledgement_date" isn't part of the "sales_orders" table.
So my question is: how can I transform pl.col('creation_date') into a Numpy array within a select/with_columns statement without refering to the table sales_orders directly?
You can use .map()
df = pl.DataFrame({"date": ["2011-03-20", "2011-03-22", "2011-03-24"]})
df = df.with_columns(pl.col("date").str.to_date())
df.with_columns(busday =
pl.col("date").map(lambda date:
pl.Series(np.busday_offset(date, 0, roll="forward"))
shape: (3, 2)
│ date ┆ busday │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ date ┆ date │
│ 2011-03-20 ┆ 2011-03-21 │
│ 2011-03-22 ┆ 2011-03-22 │
│ 2011-03-24 ┆ 2011-03-24 │