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Is there a way to dynamically change which variable is being set based on the value of another variable?

I want to be able to set some variables in C# by reading a text config file. I created a function "ReadConfigFile()" that reads the file and returns an array of strings.

Example output of ReadConfigFile():

[Variable1=1234, Variable2=true, Variable3=MyCatIsGray]

Currently the way I'm setting my variables using the array is by using a bunch of if statements like the code bellow shows. But obviously this becomes quite tedious if I'm using proper names for my variables, and I if I want to have a lot more variables.

public int Variable1 = 0;
public bool Variable2 = false;
public string Variable3 = "";

public void Configure()
    string[] config = ReadConfigFile();

    foreach (string line in config)
        string[] variableAndValueArray = line.Split("=");

        if (variableAndValueArray[0] == "Variable1") { Variable1 = VariableAndValueArray[1]; }
        if (variableAndValueArray[0] == "Variable2") { Variable2 = VariableAndValueArray[1]; }
        if (variableAndValueArray[0] == "Variable3") { Variable3 = VariableAndValueArray[1]; }

So I was wondering if there was a better way of doing this. I was hoping something like this would be possible:

public int Variable1 = 0;
public bool Variable2 = false;
public string Variable3 = "";

public void Configure()
    string[] config = ReadConfigFile();

    foreach (string line in config)
        string[] variableAndValueArray = line.Split("=");
        variableAndValueArray[0] = variableAndValueArray[1]
        //I want the line above to change which variable it is setting based 
        //on the value of variableAndValueArray[0]

I've tried to look up information about doing something like this but since I don't know the proper terminology for things, it was hard finding anything.


  • @WhyV - You'll have to use reflection. Check out the following code

    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SO temp = new SO();
    class SO
        public int Variable1 = 0;
        public bool Variable2 = false;
        public string Variable3 = "";
        public void Configure()
            string[] config = new string[] { "Variable1 = 1234", "Variable2 = true", "Variable3 = MyCatIsGray" };
            foreach (string line in config)
                var variableNamePart = line.Split('=')[0];
                var variableValuePart = line.Split('=')[1];
                variableNamePart = variableNamePart.Trim();
                variableValuePart = variableValuePart.Trim();
                FieldInfo fld = typeof(SO).GetField(variableNamePart);
                if (fld.FieldType == typeof(System.Int32))
                    fld.SetValue(this, int.Parse(variableValuePart));
                if (fld.FieldType == typeof(System.Boolean))
                    fld.SetValue(this, Boolean.Parse(variableValuePart));
                if (fld.FieldType == typeof(System.String))
                    fld.SetValue(this, variableValuePart);
            Console.WriteLine("Variable1 is " + Variable1);
            Console.WriteLine("Variable2 is " + Variable2);
            Console.WriteLine("Variable3 is " + Variable3);