I have a Blazor Wasm app. There is a class FooData with several properties.
public class FooData
public int Foo1 { get; set; } = -999;
public double Foo2 { get; set; } = -999d;
And there is a class BarUnits
public class BarUnits : ComponentBase
public IEnumerable<FooData> IFooDataS { get; set; }
protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
return base.OnInitializedAsync();
private void LoadFooData()
var h1 = new FooData { Foo1 = 1, Foo2 = 2d, ...};
var h2 = new FooData { Foo1 = 3, Foo2 = 4d, ...};
IFooDataS = new List<FooData> { h1, h2, ... h1400};
FooData contains about 100 properties and LoadFooData
creates 1400 new FooData
. During development, this is not a problem, but a publish build with enabled AOT compilation fails.
C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NET.Runtime.WebAssembly.Sdk\6.0.16\Sdk\WasmApp.Native.targets(511,5): Error : Precompiling failed for C:[...]\obj\Release\net6.0\linked<appName>.dll.
I tried the following:
IFooDataS = new List<FooData> { h1, h2, ... h1400};
to IFooDataS = new List<FooData> { h1, h2, ... h670};
but kept the unused var h671 =
to var h1400 =
. This resulted in a working publish build.IFooDataS = new List<FooData> { h1, h2, ... h671};
(one more item) the publish build does not work.var h1390 =
to var h1400 =
the publish build works.IFooDataS = IFoo1.Concat(IFoo2).Concat(IFoo2);
results in a publish build error.How could I make the publish build work? (I know, getting the data from a database instead of hard coding it, would be more efficient, but that's how I get the data.)
As stated in the comments, Mister Magoo's workaround works. With updating the project from .net6 to .net7 it works without the workaround.