Can I get access to the AutoMapper configuration instance when using assembly scanning to register the profiles.
I had previously used ForAllMaps()
to add a generic IgnoreUnmappedProperties()
for all mappings.
public static class AutoMapperExtensions
private static void IgnoreUnmappedProperties(TypeMap map, IMappingExpression expr)
foreach (string propName in map.GetUnmappedPropertyNames())
if (map.SourceType.GetProperty(propName) != null)
expr.ForSourceMember(propName, opt => opt.Ignore());
if (map.DestinationType.GetProperty(propName) != null)
expr.ForMember(propName, opt => opt.Ignore());
public static void IgnoreUnmapped(this IProfileExpression profile)
public static void IgnoreUnmapped(this IProfileExpression profile, Func<TypeMap, bool> filter)
profile.ForAllMaps((map, expr) =>
if (filter(map))
IgnoreUnmappedProperties(map, expr);
public static void IgnoreUnmapped(this IProfileExpression profile, Type src, Type dest)
profile.IgnoreUnmapped((TypeMap map) => map.SourceType == src && map.DestinationType == dest);
public static void IgnoreUnmapped<TSrc, TDest>(this IProfileExpression profile)
profile.IgnoreUnmapped(typeof(TSrc), typeof(TDest));
I am not seeing how I might add this in the new DI pattern. Can someone point me to the docs I need to accomplish this, or tell me I'm dumb and should use this other pattern to achieve the same thing? : o)
There are overrides of .AddAutoMapper()
that accept an Action<IMapperConfigurationExpression>
or even Action<IServiceProvider, IMapperConfigurationExpression>
as the first argument.
For instance:
private static void ConfigureAutoMapper(this IServiceCollection services)
config => config.ForAllMaps(IgnoreUnmappedProperties),
new List<Assembly> { typeof(AutoMapperExtensions).Assembly });