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Rowwise column name of minimum value in certain columns excluding NAs

I have a dataset that looks like this:

Data <- tibble(Code = letters[1:6],
            Min_0 = c(12.3, NA, 1.1, NA, 0, NA),
            Min_1 = c(3.6, NA, 12.4, 1.7, 15.6, NA),
            Min_2 = c(45.6, NA, 2.4, 28.9, 32.7, NA),
            Min_3 = c(2.3, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
            Min_4 = c(52.4, NA, 23.6, 4.6, 0, NA),
            Min_5 = c(0, NA, 5.7, NA, 0.1, NA))

For every row I want to add a column with the minimum value from columns Min_1 to Min_5 or NA if that row only contains NAs. I would also like to add another column that contains the last digit of the column name that has the minimum value for that row.

I think I have a solution to my first question by adapting an answer from this question (in my case I only want to ignore NAs not NAs and zeros).

Min_Function <- function(x, f, ...) ifelse(all(, NA, 
                                          0, f(x[x >= 0], na.rm = TRUE, ...)))

Data %>%
    rowwise() %>%
    mutate(Min_Time = Min_Function(c_across(starts_with("Min_") & -ends_with("0")), min))

My real data has many more columns which is why I need to use the starts_with and ends_with to select the columns I am interested in.

However, I don't know how I get an output like this for the second part of my question:

Data %>% mutate(Min_ID = c(5, NA, 2, 1, 4, NA))


  • Data %>%
       mutate(Min_Time = max.col(-across(starts_with("Min_") & -ends_with("0"),
                     ~replace_na(.x, Inf)), 'first')*
                NA^if_all(starts_with("Min_") & -ends_with("0"),
    # A tibble: 6 × 8
      Code  Min_0 Min_1 Min_2 Min_3 Min_4 Min_5 Min_Time
      <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
    1 a      12.3   3.6  45.6   2.3  52.4   0          5
    2 b      NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA         NA
    3 c       1.1  12.4   2.4  NA    23.6   5.7        2
    4 d      NA     1.7  28.9  NA     4.6  NA          1
    5 e       0    15.6  32.7  NA     0     0.1        4
    6 f      NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA         NA