I am using the r pacakge gamm4
to run a gamm on a binary response varible with eight predictor variabels, two of which are smoothed using a thin plate spline. This model runs fine and I can varify it has generated results from summery()
Here is a subset of my data:
structure(list(DATE = c("1/1/1990", "1/2/1990", "1/3/1990", "1/4/1990", "1/5/1990", "1/6/1990"),
RESPONSE = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L),
PREDICTOR1 = c(100L, 80L, 60L, 100L, 100L, 100L),
PREDICTOR2 = c(5.3, 3.8, 2.5, 2.2, 2.8, 4),
PREDICTOR3 = c(0.001016002, 0, 0, 0.001778004, 0.021590043, 0),
PREDICTOR4 = c(315, 90, 90, 315, 360, 225),
PREDICTOR5 = c(1019.326087, 1028.770833, 1027.920833, 1024.4625, 1022.25, 1018.891667),
PREDICTOR6 = c(17.36086957, 12.1, 13.02083333, 16.5375, 16.48333333, 19.6375),
PREDICTOR7 = c(13.47916667, 12.775, 12.525, 12.3875, 12.725, 13.09166667),
PREDICTOR8 = c(0.28335247, 0.212789468, 0.239630838, 0.386550722, 0.221811468, 0.379079404),
random_effect1 = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L),
Here is my model formula:
random = random_effect1, family = binomial())
However, when I attempt to run AIC on the gamm outcome object it fails
aic_model1 <- AIC(model_1)
Error in UseMethod("logLik") :
no applicable method for 'logLik' applied to an object of class
"c('gamm', 'list')"
I have attemted to break down the AIC parts and calculate the fitted values using predict.gam
deviance_model <-
-2 * sum(log(dbinom(model_1$RESPONSE, size = 1, prob = fitted_values)))
Both of these generate a NULL
I also attempted AIC.gam
and AIC.gamm
those these failed.
The issue (though I could be mistaken) appears to be the class of the object gamm, list
. Does anyone know how to get around this issue? Thank you for your help in advance!
Firstly, you are not using gamm4()
in your code. The package gamm4 provides a function with name gamm4()
, not gamm()
If you're willing to use the AIC from the mixed model formulation (read ?mgcv::logLik.gam
, what I show below yields the marginal likelihood-based AIC, which integrates out the random effects and hence the [wiggly bits of the] smooths) then you can apply the AIC()
function to the $mer
component of the object returned by gamm4()
# use example from ?gamm4::gamm4
dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,scale=2) ## simulate 4 term additive truth
## Now add 20 level random effect `fac'...
dat$fac <- fac <- as.factor(sample(1:20,400,replace=TRUE))
dat$y <- dat$y + model.matrix(~fac-1)%*%rnorm(20)*.5
br <- gamm4(y~s(x0)+x1+s(x2),data=dat,random=~(1|fac))
Now apply AIC()
to br$mer
such that the logLik()
method for the mixed model class ("merMod"
) is used:
> AIC(br$mer)
[1] 1811.787
You can't do this with gamm()
models with non_Gaussian families as those models are actually fitted via MASS::glmmPQL()
and that functions does't maximise a likelihood (it uses a penalized quasilikelihood) and as such there is no likelihood and no AIC.
The point about the returned object containing multiple model fits remains; these functions return the mixed model form as one component and a GAM form as the second component. Use str(my_model, max = 1)
to see the names of these two components as they differ between model fitting functions.