So I know a class can only inherit a single class but can inherit multiple protocols. I am looking at some code here and confused as to why swift is throwing me an error.
protocol PaymentViewModelConfigurable: ViewModelWithResult {
class ViewModelWithResult {
func printWithResultClass() {
print("In View Model with result class")
class PaymentViewModel: PaymentViewModelConfigurable {
class MainOne {
let viewModel: PaymentViewModelConfigurable = PaymentViewModel()
So I would assume this is ok because my PaymentViewModel
class inherits a protocol and that protocol inherits from a class.
But if I change the logic to this on my ViewModel to inherit the protocol & the class, its fine 😕
protocol PaymentViewModelConfigurable: ViewModelWithResult {
func payments()
class ViewModelWithResult {
func printWithResultClass() {
print("In View Model with result class")
class PaymentViewModel: ViewModelWithResult, PaymentViewModelConfigurable {
func payments() {
class MainOne {
let viewModel: PaymentViewModelConfigurable = PaymentViewModel()
init() {
These are the errors that come up:
'PaymentViewModelConfigurable' requires that 'PaymentViewModel' inherit from 'ViewModelWithResult'
Type 'PaymentViewModel' does not conform to protocol 'PaymentViewModelConfigurable'
So I know a class can only inherit a single class but can inherit multiple protocols.
Not quite. A class can conform to multiple protocols. It might seem like a pedantic correction of wording, but it's actually core to the issue here. The conformance and inheritance features are related and interconnected, but distinct. Similarly:
and that protocol inherits from a class.
It doesn't.
Everything after the :
on a declaration of a protocol is not a list of superclasses and protocol conformances, like with classes. It's a list of requirements of that protocol. So this declaration:
protocol PaymentViewModelConfigurable: ViewModelWithResult {
func payments()
Is saying: "PaymentViewModelConfigurable
is a protocol that can be conformed to anything that's a subtype of ViewModelWithResult
and has a func payments()
method. It's as if you had written:
protocol PaymentViewModelConfigurable where Self: ViewModelWithResult {
func payments()
The error messages spell this out quite explicitly:
Untitled 4.swift:11:7: error: 'PaymentViewModelConfigurable' requires that 'PaymentViewModel' inherit from 'ViewModelWithResult'
class PaymentViewModel: PaymentViewModelConfigurable {
Untitled 4.swift:11:7: note: requirement specified as 'Self' : 'ViewModelWithResult' [with Self = PaymentViewModel]
class PaymentViewModel: PaymentViewModelConfigurable {