I have a panel dataset about the Internet Penetration Rate
of 11 countries and I want to encode the Country
Country Year Int Pen Rate % GDP Per Capita GDP Growth %
0 Australia 2014 84.000000 76864.54828 2.579017
1 Australia 2015 84.560515 77397.27020 2.152736
2 Australia 2016 86.540000 78278.37956 2.730548
3 Australia 2017 86.545049 78751.93511 2.282184
4 Australia 2018 90.000000 79813.73387 2.883045
Why do I get KeyError on Country
when I use the following function?
series['Country'] = label_encoder.fit_transform(series['Country'])
I used sep=','
when I read the dataset.
The KeyError means that the column 'Country' is not in your DataFrame. This might be caused that the column does not exist at all in your DataFrame.
Please ensure that the DataFrame you are trying to operate on (which you're calling 'series') actually has a column named 'Country'. You can check the column names of your DataFrame with the following command:
If 'Country' is not in the output of that command, then you need to determine the correct column name and use that in your code.
Without more information about the format of your CSV file or DataFrame, it's difficult to give a more precise answer.