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ASMX service that receive a QRcode string in parameters miss some characters

I've got this method :

        [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
        //[SoapHeader("User", Required = true)]
        public void GetValidationTicket(int idDispositivo, string QRCode, int tipologiaDispositivo, int profiloDispositivo)

that allow me to receive a QRCode of a ticket like this :


As you see the QRCode have the special character '%' inside, and this is the problem, cos i need to convert it in base 64 string

Any Idea of the problem? mine or the caller? thanks

I expect a QRCode like EDAMDAwMjgzNjIwNWSmlmJkpqf2AU1JU2SmmEppdCBBMYVTqDlR7YhGvD6GAcKzTZQl6VGT/gbAOdXbeCL3c++FETwDjL5CqjnyhbLsaTNbO5Cz1lstuAqH8FTa9Jhg1jA=


  • Your QR code is URL encoded. Use HttpUtility.UrlDecode to decode it.

    %2B = '+'

    %3D = '='

    You can test this online at a site like this one: