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Mention a Teams tag in an adaptive card

Using the bot framework I am trying to mention a Teams tag in an adaptive card text block. Mentioning a user by e-mail works as expected. When I try to mention a tag by its ID it does not work, it does not result in a mention.

Unless the format of the entity for tag has to be different, I cannot see what I am doing incorrect here.

See the below how I construct the adaptive card (using the AdaptiveCards NuGet package).

new AdaptiveCard(new AdaptiveSchemaVersion(1, 2))
    Body = new List<AdaptiveElement>
        new AdaptiveTextBlock
            Text = "Mention test: <at>mytag</at>"
    AdditionalProperties = new SerializableDictionary<string, object>()
                width = "full", 
                entities = new []
                    new Mention()
                        // Does work when a e-mail is mentioned, but not when I use a Teams tag ID
                        Mentioned = new ChannelAccount("[email protected]", "mytag"),
                        Text = "<at>mytag</at>"


  • At the time of writing this is not possible. I submitted feedback requesting this feature.

    A workaround I found is using the Microsoft Graph API to request a list of members in a tag. Then mention all the individual members (by e-mail) in the adaptive card using an invisible TextBlock.