So i have a variable which must be available to other tasks in the system. I have a function which should return this variable so other tasks can do their thing according to this variable.
boolean pSystem::isLowPower(){
return LOW_POWER;
If i use it RAW or trought the function, I got an IllegalInstruction error from a random task that wants to use this variable and my ESP crashes.
So if i want to guard this variable with a mutex i couldn't return it.
boolean pSystem::isLowPower(){
xSemaphoreTake( testMutex );
return LOW_POWER;
xSemaphoreGive( testMutex ); // Will not release?
How can i guard this variable and return it at the same time?
The use case would be only something like this:
void TaskOne(void* parameter){
if( Preformance.isLowPower() ){ vTaskDelay(100); return; }
// Do other task related stuffs...
void TaskTwo(void* parameter){
if( Preformance.isLowPower() ){ vTaskDelay(100); return; }
// Do other task related stuffs...
The error log i got ( from random tasks )
Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (IllegalInstruction). Exception was unhandled.
Memory dump at 0x400f1034: 08e08096 00f01d00 257bfea1
Core 0 register dump:
PC : 0x400f1039 PS : 0x00060430 A0 : 0x00000000 A1 : 0x3ffd2b50
A2 : 0x00000000 A3 : 0x00000000 A4 : 0x00000000 A5 : 0x00000000
A6 : 0x00000000 A7 : 0x00000000 A8 : 0x800f1039 A9 : 0x3ffd2b30
A10 : 0x00000064 A11 : 0x3ffbf638 A12 : 0x3ffbdd58 A13 : 0x0000000a
A14 : 0x0000000a A15 : 0x80000001 SAR : 0x00000000 EXCCAUSE: 0x00000000
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 LBEG : 0x00000000 LEND : 0x00000000 LCOUNT : 0x00000000
Backtrace: 0x400f1036:0x3ffd2b50
#0 0x400f1036:0x3ffd2b50 in mBusLoopTask(void*) at src/utilities/modBus.cpp:1495 (discriminator 1)
ELF file SHA256: 1c0b237e74fe9d04
So the problem was that i wanted to return from the task without deleting it and it produced the IllegalInstruction error.
The solution is to not return but continue the loop
void TaskOne(void* parameter){
if( Preformance.isLowPower() ){ vTaskDelay(100); continue; }
// Do other task related stuffs...
void TaskTwo(void* parameter){
if( !Preformance.isLowPower() ){
// Do other task related stuffs...