Is the following acceptable programming practice:
class TestA
int A;
TestA(){A = 10;}
TestA &operator=(const TestA &ItemCopy)
A = ItemCopy.A;
printf("A is: %d!\n",A);
return *this;
class TestB : public TestA
int B;
TestB(){A = 20; B = 30;}
operator const TestA&(){ return *this; } //Note returns reference, upcasts implicitly.
int main()
TestA Test;
TestB Test2;
Test = Test2; //Calls Test2's (AKA TestB's) conversion operator
return 0;
What reason is it acceptable/unacceptable?
(Please avoid making the obvious suggestion about making a TestB assignment operator in TestA - this is a question on whether upcasting and/or conversion operators should or should not be used in this manner).
I also encourage that feedback is left in the comments for question upvote/downvotes so I can improve my questions in future.
No conversion operator is needed here, a const TestA&
is perfectly capable of binding to an instance of a derived class (because inheritance is public).