I am trying to extract the link inside a href but all I am finding it is the text inside the element
The website code is the following:
<div class="item-info-container ">
<a href="/imovel/32600863/" role="heading" aria-level="2" class="item-link xh-highlight"
title="Apartamento T3 na avenida da Liberdade, São José de São Lázaro e São João do Souto, Braga">
Apartamento T3 na avenida da Liberdade, São José de São Lázaro e São João do Souto, Braga
And the code I am using is:
element_handle = page.locator('//div[@class="item-info-container "]//a').all_inner_texts()
No matter if I specify //a[@href]
or not, my output is always the title text:
Apartamento T3 na avenida da Liberdade, São José de São Lázaro e São João do Souto, Braga
When what I really want to achieve is:
Any ideas of where my logic is failing me?
Using get_attribute
link = page.locator('.item-info-container ').get_by_role('link').get_attribute('href')
More than one locator:
link_locators = page.locator('.item-info-container ').get_by_role('link').all()
for _ in link_locators: