I would like to use ArcGIS API for Python to appending new feature layers to an existing hosted FL on AGOL.
The hosted layer (FGDB) on AGOL consisting from 3 layers (two of them are with point geometry and one is layer geometry - pointsA, lines, pointsB).
The goal is append new shapefiles with the same attribute structure like in existing hosted FL (pointsA.shp, lines.shp, pointsB.shp).
Thanks for any kind of help
I tried to use folowing code in Python notebook in arcgis pro:
import os
import zipfile
import arcpy
import arcgis
gis = GIS("https://name.maps.arcgis.com", "login", "password")
existing_gdb = gis.content.get('831c85ad90b155SD551D5b43cc4b') # id of hosted FS
item_prop = {"title": "new_item", #title - source_table_name
"type": "Shapefile",
"tags": "import"}
new_item = gis.content.add (data = r'C:\path\to\new\shapefiles\new_items.zip', item_properties = item_prop)
status = existing_gdb.layers[0].append(item_id=new_item.id, upload_format = 'shapefile', source_table_name='new_item')
As of version 2.1.0 of the ArcGIS API for Python, there doesn't appear to be an option to append multiple layers at once (the FeatureLayerCollection class doesn't have an append method, only the FeatureLayer class).
For starters, let's connect Esri's terminology since it varies slightly between ArcGIS Online, the ArcGIS REST API, and the ArcGIS API for Python:
These terms all refer to the same thing. The important thing to recognize is that ArcGIS Online and the ArcGIS API for Python are built on/around the ArcGIS REST API (they're both ways to interface with the ArcGIS REST API, which is the thing behind the scenes that's actually responsible for operations like append). With this in mind, I'll use the ArcGIS REST API terminology and refer to the thing that we're appending to as a FeatureService.
In the case of append, neither ArcGIS Online (as of June 2023) nor the ArcGIS API for Python (as of version 2.1.0
) allow you to append multiple layers to a FeatureService at once (the FeatureLayerCollection class doesn't have an append method), but the ArcGIS REST API does. You could make your own POST request to ArcGIS REST API's FeatureService append
operation if you need to append all three layers at once:
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.features import FeatureLayerCollection
import requests
gis = GIS("https://arcgis.com", "<username>", "<password>")
hfl_item = gis.content.get("<item id>")
params = {"layers": [0, 1, 2], "layerMappings":[{"id": 0, "sourceTableName": "pointsA"}, {"id": 1, "sourceTableName": "lines"}, {"id": 0, "sourceTableName": "pointsB"}, "upsert": False, "userGlobalIds": False, "appendUploadId": "<itemd id>", "appendUploadformat": "shapefile", "rollbackonFailure": True, "f": "json", "token": gis._con.token]
resp = requests.post(FeatureLayerCollection.fromitem(hfl_item).url, params=params)
Alternatively, if you'd prefer to continue using the ArcGIS API for Python, you have to append to each layer of the FeatureService individually (note: a layer of a FeatureService is called a Layer in ArcGIS Online and the ArcGIS REST API and a FeatureLayer in the ArcGIS API for Python -- again, all the same thing). You're part way there with existing_gdb.layers[0].append()
, but this only appends to the first (0
index layer) of the FeatureService. You could easily extend this with a for
for layer in existing_gdb.layers: