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Get the first and last shippment and arrive date for all users

I have table for shipping Company.

The columns are (NationalID, shipmentdate, arraivaldate ..)

The question is: how can I get the first shippment date and arrival date and last shippment date and arrival date for each user

This is THE sample data:

NationalID shippmetdate arrivalDate
115 2020-10-08 2021-03-18
115 2023-02-08 1990-01-01
115 2021-08-11 2021-08-20

I use this QUERY but it's not working

select NationalID,
    min(shippmetdate) as first_shippment,
    min(arrivalDate) as arrival_first,
    max(shippmetdate) as last_shippment,
    max(arrivalDate)as arrival_last
from (
    select NationalID, shippmetdate, arrivalDate,
    ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by NationalID order by shippmetdate) as seq1, 
    ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by NationalID order by arrivalDate) as seq2 
    from shippment
) t 
group by NationalID

The output is:

NationalID first_shippment arrival_first last_shippment arrival_last
115 2020-10-08 1990-01-01 2023-02-08 2021-08-20

BUT I want the output like

NationalID first_shippment arrival_first last_shippment arrival_last
115 2020-10-08 2021-03-18 2023-02-08 1990-01-01

Actually I want get the row of the first_shippment then I will return the arrival date for same row

I try to use max and min for the date but the output is not matching.


  • We can get the first and last shipment date with just min and max.

    As for the corresponding arrival dates, you are on the right track by enumerating the records of each user, then aggregating. You would need to use conditional aggregation in the outer query; also, the sequences should be adapted: both should order by the shipment date, but in different directions.


    select NationalID,
        min(shipmentDate) as firstShipmentDate,
        max(case when seq1 = 1 then arrivalDate  end) as firstShipmentArrivalDate,
        max(shipmentDate) as lastShipmentDate,
        max(case when seq2 = 1 then arrivalDate  end) as lastShipmentArrivalDate
    from (
        select s.*,
            row_number() over (partition by NationalID order by shipmentDate     ) as seq1, 
            row_number() over (partition by NationalID order by shipmentDate desc) as seq2 
        from shipment s
    ) s
    group by NationalID
    NationalID firstShipmentDate firstShipmentArrivalDate lastShipmentDate lastShipmentArrivalDate
    115 2020-10-08 2021-03-18 2023-02-08 1990-01-01
