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How to use aggregate window function on varchar() datavalues?

I was writing a query on a dataset and made this table as a CTE (t3) (DDL and DML statements for this table t3 are given below)

games regions gold silver bronze total
1896 Summer Greece 2 4 4 10
1896 Summer UK 3 1 1 5
1896 Summer Switzerland 0 0 0 0
1896 Summer USA 8 4 1 13
1896 Summer Germany 7 1 0 8
1896 Summer France 1 2 1 4
1896 Summer Hungary 0 1 0 1
1896 Summer Australia 2 0 1 3

Notes: DDL and DML statements for t3:

DDL statement: create table t3 (games varchar(20), regions varchar(20), gold int, silver int, bronze int, total int);

and DML statements are:

insert into t3 values ('1896 Summer', 'Greece', 2, 4, 4, 10);
insert into t3 values ('1896 Summer', 'UK', 3, 1, 1, 5);
insert into t3 values ('1896 Summer', 'Switzerland', 0, 0, 0, 0);
insert into t3 values ('1896 Summer', 'USA', 8, 4, 1, 13);
insert into t3 values ('1896 Summer', 'Germany', 7, 1, 0, 8);
insert into t3 values ('1896 Summer', 'France', 1, 2, 1, 4);
insert into t3 values ('1896 Summer', 'Hungary', 0, 1, 0, 1);
insert into t3 values ('1896 Summer', 'Australia', 2, 0, 1, 3);

For this, I have written a query:

select distinct games, 
       concat(max(regions) over (partition by games order by gold desc), "-", max(gold) over(partition by games)) as gold_count,
       concat(max(regions) over (partition by games order by silver desc, regions), "-", max(silver) over(partition by games)) as silver_count,
       concat(max(regions) over (partition by games order by bronze desc, regions), "-", max(bronze) over(partition by games)) as bronze_count,
       concat(max(regions) over (partition by games order by total desc), "-", max(total) over(partition by games)) as total
from t3;

From this query I am getting this result

games gold_count silver_count bronze_count total
1896 Summer USA-8 Greece-4 Greece-4 USA-13
1896 Summer USA-8 USA-4 Greece-4 USA-13
1896 Summer USA-8 USA-4 UK-4 USA-13
1896 Summer USA-8 USA-4 USA-4 USA-13

How can I get the results like this:

games gold_count silver_count bronze_count total
1896 Summer USA-8 Greece-4 Greece-4 USA-13
1896 Summer USA-8 USA-4 Greece-4 USA-13

or like this:

games gold_count silver_count bronze_count total
1896 Summer USA-8 Greece-4 & USA-4 Greece-4 USA-13


  • For each games, you want to display the top regions for each type of medal (gold, silver, bronze) and overall, with respect to ties.

    One option ranks regions for each type of medal with rank(), then pivots with conditional aggregation:

    select games, 
        group_concat( case when rn_gold   = 1 then concat(regions, '-', gold  ) end separator ' & ') as gold_count,
        group_concat( case when rn_silver = 1 then concat(regions, '-', silver) end separator ' & ') as silver_count,
        group_concat( case when rn_bronze = 1 then concat(regions, '-', bronze) end separator ' & ') as bronze_count,
        group_concat( case when rn_total  = 1 then concat(regions, '-', total ) end separator ' & ') as total_count
    from (
        select t.*,
            rank() over(partition by games order by gold   desc) rn_gold,
            rank() over(partition by games order by silver desc) rn_silver,
            rank() over(partition by games order by bronze desc) rn_bronze,
            rank() over(partition by games order by total  desc) rn_total
        from t3 t
    ) t
    group by games

    Which, for your sample data, yields:

    games gold_count silver_count bronze_count total_count
    1896 Summer USA-8 USA-4 & Greece-4 Greece-4 USA-13
