I have a series of scripts where I want to read in a raster, add a new variable, then save the raster again.
However, terra::writeRaster is currently preventing me from overwriting the raster file that I have open. I expected that by setting the argument overwrite = TRUE
it would allow me to do this, but I currently get the error:
Error: [writeRaster] source and target filename cannot be the same
Is there a workaround for this?
Here is an example of the problem:
x <- rast(ncol=10, nrow=10, nlyr=1)
x <- init(x, "cell")
x <- spatSample(x, ncell(x), "random", as.raster=TRUE)
f <- file.path(tempdir(), "test.tif")
writeRaster(x, f)
y = terra::rast(f)
writeRaster(y, f, overwrite=TRUE)
#Error: [writeRaster] source and target filename cannot be the same
That is not allowed because the program cannot first overwrite the existing file (to write the output to) and then read from it.
A simple workaround would be to rename the input file
ftmp <- paste0(tempfile(), ".tif")
file.rename(f, ftmp)
r <- rast(ftmp)
writeRaster(r, f, overwrite=TRUE)
If your raster is not that large, a simpler approach is to first do something that would load the values into memory
r <- rast(f) + 0
writeRaster(r, f, overwrite=TRUE)
Perhaps there should be a "toMemory" method for that