i have a service in python and another application on web server.
I send socket and agent get it process it and return response to web server.
But result can not readable.
see, i send data human readable.
and result on web server.
public static function request($command, $json_decode = true)
if (!globals('agent-durum')) return false;
$end_line_msg = '«--the-end-line--»';
try {
if (gettype($command) == 'array') $command = json_encode($command, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
// $command .= $end_line_msg;
$socket = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
@socket_connect($socket, self::$settings['ip'], self::$settings['port']);
@socket_write($socket, $command, strlen($command));
$max_len = 65495;
$total_response = '';
while ($bytes = @socket_recv($socket, $response, $max_len, 0x20)) {
$total_response .= str_replace($end_line_msg, '', $response);
if ($max_len > $bytes || strstr($response, $end_line_msg)) break;
if ($total_response == '-not-support-') abort(500, 'Agent bu isteği desteklemiyor.');
if ($total_response == '') abort(500, self::errmsg());
try {
if ($json_decode) return json_decode($total_response, true);
} catch (\Throwable $_err) {
return $total_response;
} catch (\Throwable $err) {
return false;
def data_received(self, data):
message = data.decode()
log('Data received: {!r}'.format(message))
result = self.type_parse(json.loads(message))
send = f'{result}{end_line}'
log('Data sending.')
if len(result) < 12000:
log(f'Data is sent: {result}')
log(f'Data is sent. (data is big)')
log('Close the client socket')
agent return data and i need same "sent" and "see's data."
I found the problem:
i revise that:
while ($bytes = @socket_recv($socket, $response, $max_len, 0x20)) {
$total_response .= str_replace($end_line_msg, '', $response);
if ($max_len > $bytes || strstr($response, $end_line_msg)) break;
to this:
while (true) {
$response = socket_read($socket, $max_len);
$total_response .= str_replace($end_line_msg, '', $response);
if (strstr($response, $end_line_msg)) break;
and this work for me.