I want to add an entry with the WebUI Prisma Studio to the database until i have set up a form to do so. The database is postgresql hosted at vercel and in version 15. The table i want to insert to is Todo with the following model:
model Todo {
id String @id @default(cuid())
title String
content String?
publicationDate DateTime @default(now())
dueDate String?
finished Boolean @default(false)
author User? @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
authorId String?
However, there is a byte sequence which seems to be not valid: "0x00"
I want to enter the following data:
I can confirm that User and its related fields are not problematic because there are already entries of these in my db. so whats the problem here?
The documentation says:
Regardless of the specific character set, the character with code zero (sometimes called NUL) cannot be stored.
Zero bytes can be stored as binary data with data type bytea
, but they don't make a lot of sense in strings.