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How to efficiently address circular dependencies between matrixes in R?

I come to R from XLS where I'm used to addressing this sort of "circular reference" problem. I wonder if there's a clean, efficient way to handle this sort of issue in R.

The image below best explains my question. The original code at the bottom generates 3 matrixes, which are then embedded in lists. Data currently flows sequentially "downstream" from one matrix to another. For example, $Series_One$Reserve$Out flows to $Series_One$Class_A_current$In, and $Series_One$Class_A_current$Out flows to $Series_One$Class_A_prior_unpd$In. The flow is sequentially downward. But now I'm trying to figure how to send data "upstream"; I would like to send the values in column $Series_One$Class_A_prior_unpd$Post_FC_short "upstream" to $Series_One$Reserve$Due_Class_A as shown in the upward pointing arrow in the image below. As noted, the values currently in $Series_One$Reserve$Due_Class_A are only placeholders. The image below is a nice depiction of the classic circular reference problem. I also post an image for the SHORT CODE example.

In R, how are these types of mutual, circular dependencies best resolved?

How I would solve this manually is (in referencing the original code below) to first set all $Series_One$Reserve$Due_Class_A cells to zeroes, see what the resulting values are in $Series_One$Class_A_prior_unpd$Post_FC_short, and then manually plop those "pro forma" $Series_One$Class_A_prior_unpd$Post_FC_short values back into $Series_One$Reserve$Due_Class_A. But my mind keeps flashing "circular reference" after years of XLS use.

Apologies for the long original code (I edited this post with SHORT CODE example that also illustrates the same circular reference issue).

enter image description here

enter image description here

Short Code:

masterList <- list(
  list1 = data.frame(
    Inflow = c(10,15,12),
    Cover_list1 = c(4,5,2),
    Cover_list2 = c(0,0,0)
  list2 = data.frame(
    Cover_list2 = c(4,2,6),
    Draw_list1 = c(0,0,0)

circRef <- function(x) {
  output <- x
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    sublist <- x[[i]]
    if (i == 2) {
      sublist <- cbind(Inflow = output[[1]]$Outflow, sublist)
      sublist$Outflow <- sublist$Inflow - sublist$Cover_list2 + sublist$Draw_list1
    else {
      sublist$Outflow <- sublist$Inflow - rowSums(as.matrix(sublist[, -(1)]))
    output[[i]] <- sublist


Original Code:

fallFCSeries <- list(Series_One = c('Reserve','Class_A_current','Class_A_prior_unpd'))
CF <- c(6, 5, 600)
balance <- c(1000,1100,1200)
resAcct <- list(Series_One = list(Target = 0.02,Classes = c('A')))

fallFC <- function(nbr_rows) {
  bucket <- vector('list', length = 1)
  series_elements <- fallFCSeries[["Series_One"]]
  mat_list <- vector('list', length = 3)
  for (j in seq_along(series_elements)) {
    element <- series_elements[j]
    mat <- matrix(0, nbr_rows, 
                  if (element == "Reserve") {7} else {
                    if(grepl("unpd",element)){7} else {5}
    if (element == "Reserve") {
      colnames(mat) <- c('In','Target','Top','Due_Class_A','Draw_Class_A','End_bal','Out')
    } else {
        colnames(mat) <- c('In','Due','FC_cover','Post_FC_short','Out')
      } else{
        colnames(mat) <- c('In','Due','FC_cover','Post_FC_short','RA_cover','Post_RA_short','Out')
    for (k in 1:nbr_rows) {
      Bal <- balance[k]
      seriesCF <- CF[k]
      if (j == 1) {
        mat[k, "In"] <- seriesCF} else {mat[k,"In"] <- bucket[[1]][[j - 1]][k, "Out"]}
      if (element == "Reserve") {
        mat[k,"Target"] <- round(Bal * resAcct[["Series_One"]]$Target,2)
        mat[k,"Top"] <- min(mat[k,"In"], (max(0, mat[k, "Target"])))
        mat[k,"Out"] <- mat[k,"In"]
        cumTops <- sum(mat[1:k,"Top"])
        due_val <- round(runif(1, min = 0, max = mat[k,"Target"]),2) # this is placeholder!!
        mat[k, paste0("Due_Class_", "A")] <- due_val
        cum_draws_lag <- if(k == 1){0} else {sum(mat[1:k-1, grepl("^Draw", colnames(mat))])}
        sumDraws <- sum(mat[k,1:5][grepl("^Draw", colnames(mat)[1:5])]) 
        draw <- min(due_val,cumTops - cum_draws_lag - sumDraws)
        mat[k, "Draw_Class_A"] <- draw
        cumDraws <- sum(mat[1:k,grepl("^Draw", colnames(mat))])
        mat[k, "End_bal"] <- cumTops - cumDraws
        mat[k,"Out"] <- mat[k,"In"] - mat[k,"Top"]
      else{ # if element <> "Reserve"...
          extractClass <- sub("_prior.*", "", element)
          pattern <- paste0(extractClass,".*current")
          match_element <- which(grepl(pattern, names(bucket[[1]])))  
        mat[k, "Due"] <- if(!grepl("unpd", element)){
          round(Bal * 0.50,2) 
        } else {sum(bucket[[1]][[match_element]][1:k,"Post_FC_short"])}
        mat[k, "FC_cover"] <- min(mat[k, "In"], mat[k, "Due"])
        mat[k, "Post_FC_short"] <- mat[k, "Due"] - mat[k, "FC_cover"]
          mat[k, "RA_cover"] <- 0
          mat[k, "Post_RA_short"] <- 0
        mat[k, "Out"] <- mat[k, "In"] - mat[k, "FC_cover"]
    mat_list[[j]] <- mat
    names(mat_list) <- series_elements
    bucket[[1]] <- setNames(mat_list, series_elements)
  names(bucket) <- "Series_One"



  • Below are solutions for the short code and original code examples, following what I say in the OP with "How I would solve this manually is..." and user2554330 suggestion to solve it with a loop. I'm open to any cleaner solutions, R has amazing tricks the deeper you dig.

    Short code solution (note my comments # ADDED):

    circRef <- function(x) {
      output <- x
      for (i in 1:2) { # ADDED
        for (j in seq_along(x)) {
          sublist <- x[[j]]
          if (j == 2) {
            sublist <- cbind(Inflow = output[[1]]$Outflow, sublist)
            if(i == 2){sublist$Draw_list1 <- stored_values} # ADDED
            sublist$Outflow <- sublist$Inflow - sublist$Cover_list2 + sublist$Draw_list1
          else {
            if(i == 2){sublist$Cover_list2 <- stored_values} # ADDED
            sublist$Outflow <- sublist$Inflow - rowSums(as.matrix(sublist[, -(1)]))
          output[[j]] <- sublist
          if(i==1){stored_values <<- (sublist$Inflow - sublist$Cover_list2) * 0.50} # ADDED

    Original code solution:

    fallFC <- function(nbr_rows) {
      bucket <- vector('list', length = 1)
      series_elements <- fallFCSeries[["Series_One"]]
      mat_list <- vector('list', length = 3)
      # iterate twice: first time without reserve due amounts; second time with prior_unpd Pst_FC_short amounts
      for (iter in 1:2) { # ADDED
        for (j in seq_along(series_elements)) {
          element <- series_elements[j]
          mat <- matrix(0, nbr_rows, 
                        if (element == "Reserve") {7} else {
                          if(grepl("unpd",element)){7} else {5}
          if (element == "Reserve") {
            colnames(mat) <- c('In','Target','Top','Due_Class_A','Draw_Class_A','End_bal','Out')
          } else {
              colnames(mat) <- c('In','Due','FC_cover','Post_FC_short','Out')
            } else{
              colnames(mat) <- c('In','Due','FC_cover','Post_FC_short','RA_cover','Post_RA_short','Out')
          for (k in 1:nbr_rows) {
            Bal <- balance[k]
            seriesCF <- CF[k]
            if (j == 1) {
              mat[k, "In"] <- seriesCF} else {mat[k,"In"] <- bucket[[1]][[j - 1]][k, "Out"]}
            if (element == "Reserve") {
              mat[k,"Target"] <- round(Bal * resAcct[["Series_One"]]$Target,2)
              mat[k,"Top"] <- min(mat[k,"In"], (max(0, mat[k, "Target"])))
              mat[k,"Out"] <- mat[k,"In"]
              cumTops <- sum(mat[1:k,"Top"])
              # ADDED: set all values to 0 in the first iteration
              due_val <- if (iter == 1) {0} else {stored_values[k]}
              mat[k, paste0("Due_Class_", "A")] <- due_val
              cum_draws_lag <- if(k == 1){0} else {sum(mat[1:k-1, grepl("^Draw", colnames(mat))])}
              sumDraws <- sum(mat[k,1:5][grepl("^Draw", colnames(mat)[1:5])]) 
              draw <- min(due_val,cumTops - cum_draws_lag - sumDraws)
              mat[k, "Draw_Class_A"] <- draw
              cumDraws <- sum(mat[1:k,grepl("^Draw", colnames(mat))])
              mat[k, "End_bal"] <- cumTops - cumDraws
              mat[k,"Out"] <- mat[k,"In"] - mat[k,"Top"]
            else{ # if element <> "Reserve"...
                extractClass <- sub("_prior.*", "", element)
                pattern <- paste0(extractClass,".*current")
                match_element <- which(grepl(pattern, names(bucket[[1]])))  
              mat[k, "Due"] <- if(!grepl("unpd", element)){
                round(Bal * 0.50,2) 
              } else {sum(bucket[[1]][[match_element]][1:k,"Post_FC_short"])}
              mat[k, "FC_cover"] <- min(mat[k, "In"], mat[k, "Due"])
              mat[k, "Post_FC_short"] <- mat[k, "Due"] - mat[k, "FC_cover"]
                mat[k, "RA_cover"] <- draw
                mat[k, "Post_RA_short"] <- mat[k,"Post_FC_short"] - mat[k,"RA_cover"]
              mat[k, "Out"] <- mat[k, "In"] - mat[k, "FC_cover"]
          mat_list[[j]] <- mat
          names(mat_list) <- series_elements
          bucket[[1]] <- setNames(mat_list, series_elements)
      names(bucket) <- "Series_One"
      stored_values <- bucket[[1]][["Class_A_prior_unpd"]][, "Post_FC_short"] # ADDED
      } # close iteration ADDED