I have a code where I am trying to compare hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions. My categories are 'Hydrophilic', 'Hydrophobic' and 'Other'. Every time I try to find out how many of each interaction category there is, I always get always get "Other:0" regardless of how many there should actually be. I know that every file I've tested has plenty of interactions that should be in 'Other'.
I've used an almost identical code successfully for a different project and can't work out what's different now. I have also made sure all the line spacing and indentation is perfect and it still has this problem :(
I tried:
Hydrophilic = 0
Hydrophobic = 0
Other = 0
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
values = line.split(",")
if values[1] == "HYDROPHOBIC":
Hydrophobic += 1
elif values[1] == "HBOND" or "WEAK_HBOND" or "POLAR" or "WEAK_POLAR":
Hydrophilic += 1
Other += 1
sizes = {'Hydrophilic':Hydrophilic, 'Hydrophobic':Hydrophobic, 'Other':Other}
and was hoping for it to print something along the lines of (Hydrophilic:7, Hydrophobic:4, Other:13) but always get Other:0.
I tried replacing 'elif' for 'if' and got different numbers for hydrophobic and hydrophilic (still 0 for other). I tried swapping the order so that the hydrophilic values are added first and ended up with 0 hydrophobic and 0 other.
elif values[1] == "HBOND" or "WEAK_HBOND" or "POLAR" or "WEAK_POLAR":
When you put or
, it assumes that it's a completely different condition. So, it checks if values[1]
is "HBOND"
. If it fails, it goes to the next condition, which is just "WEAK_HBOND"
. Since there's no equation sign, Python tries to turn the string into a boolean.
String turns into False
if it's empty and into True
if it's not empty. Since "HBOND"
is not an empty string, it turns into True
and the elif
block (or the if
block if you changed it) gets executed, and the else
block does not work.
to if
both timesThis condition gets executed: (assuming it's true):
if values[1] == "HYDROPHOBIC":
Python goes to the next condition:
if values[1] == "HBOND" or "WEAK_HBOND" or "POLAR" or "WEAK_POLAR":
It sees if
, so it checks the condition.
If values[1] == "HBOND"
is true, it executes.
If it's not true, then it goes to the next one.
It sees a string. Since there's no equation (==
), it turns the string into boolean and executes the condition.
So, on one iteration, it added 1
to both Hydrophobic
and Hydrophilic
This condition gets executed: (assuming it's true):
if values[1] == "HYDROPHOBIC":
Python goes to the next line:
elif values[1] == "HBOND" or "WEAK_HBOND" or "POLAR" or "WEAK_POLAR":
It sees elif
, so it checks the previous condition associated with the elif
block. It was the previous if
which was true, so it will skip it anyways. It won't increase the Hydrophilic
value if the if
condition before (values[1] == "HYDROPHOBIC"
) was true.
never gets executed in the both cases anyways.
When you are using elif
, it just either executes the elif
or the previous if
block, skipping the else
If you use if
in both cases, as I explained before, Python turns the "HBOND"
string into a boolean, and assumes that the if
block (second one) is true, not executing the else
There are multiple options:
elif values[1] in ["HBOND", "WEAK_HBOND", "POLAR", "WEAK_POLAR"]:
elif values[1] == "HBOND" or values[1] == "WEAK_HBOND" or values[1] == "POLAR" or values[1] == "WEAK_POLAR":
Notice how I typed out values[1] ==
after or
every single time, so that Python knows I'm comparing values[1] and instead of turning it into a boolean it does the equation (==
)In both cases, use elif
instead of if
for the second condition (elif values[1] == ...