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Microsoft Azure Face API - Face detect return values, but not return faceId

Microsoft Azure Face API - Face detect return object

    "faceRectangle": {
      "top": 114,
      "left": 206,
      "width": 167,
      "height": 167

but I need faceId. It not return faceId. I did not fount solution about it.

enter image description here


  • I tried in my environment and got the below results:

    If you need to get the face Id of the image, you can use the below request.

    In the request, you need to add returnFaceId =true to get the face Id.

    Post =true
     { "url": "{Image Url here}" }
     Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key : "your-api-key"

    Postman: enter image description here


    Face - Detect With Url - REST API (Azure Cognitive Services - Face) | Microsoft Learn