This is my mongoose schema.
const CurrencySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
source: { type: String, uppercase: true, required: true, minlength: 3, maxlength: 3, trim: true },
convert: { type: String, uppercase: true, required: true, minlength: 3, maxlength: 3, trim: true },
exchange: [
year: { type: Number, required: true, min: [2000, 'Year can be only positive value'], },
rate: { type: Number, min: [0, 'Exchange rate can be only positive value'], required: true }
created_by: { type: String, max: 100 },
updated_by: { type: String, max: 100 }
}, { versionKey: false, timestamps: { createdAt: 'created_at', updatedAt: 'updated_at' } });
I have to update this collection with the following condition.
I will send source, convert, year, rate in a routine.
My existing query is,
const response = await Currencies.updateOne(
{ source, convert },
$set: {
exchange: {
$cond: [
{ $in: [year, "$exchange.year"] },
$map: {
input: "$exchange",
in: {
$cond: [
{ $eq: ["$$this.year", year] },
year: "$$this.year",
rate: rate
{ $concatArrays: ["$exchange", [{ year: year, rate: rate }]] }
upsert: true
When I try to pass this input {source: EUR, convert: XCD, year: 2022, rate: 3.5}
, the query throws $in requires an array as a second argument, found: missing
error. When source and convert is not available in the db.
How can I fix this with my all conditions?
You can check if some field is not array and if so - simply assign some value to that field.
const response = await Currencies.updateOne(
{ source, convert },
$set: {
exchange: {
$cond: {
if: {$isArray: "$exchange"},
then: {
$cond: [
{ $in: [year, "$exchange.year"] },
$map: {
input: "$exchange",
in: {
$cond: [
{ $eq: ["$$this.year", year] },
year: "$$this.year",
rate: rate
{ $concatArrays: ["$exchange", [{ year: year, rate: rate }]] }
else: [{ year: year, rate: rate }]
upsert: true