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How to pivot some of data fields in postgres

I tried using max(case) but it didn't work to convert the unpivot data to pivot format.

Can we pivot this data in the following format?

My table:

Create table mytable (id integer,indicator text,value text);

Insert into mytable (id, indicator, value) values (1,'indicator 1', '10');
Insert into mytable (id, indicator, value) values (1,'indicator 2', 'yes');
Insert into mytable (id, indicator, value) values (1,'indicator 3', '123');
Insert into mytable (id, indicator, value) values (1,'state', 'ns');
Insert into mytable (id, indicator, value) values (1,'district', 'yr');
Insert into mytable (id, indicator, value) values (1,'block', 'ty');
id indicator value
1 indicator 1 10
1 indicator 2 yes
1 indicator 3 123
1 state ns
1 district yr
1 block ty

Output should be like below:

id state district block indicator value
1 ns yr ty indicator 1 10
1 ns yr ty indicator 2 yes
1 ns yr ty indicator 3 123


  • You seem to want to pivot the state/district/block rows to columns, while retaining "indicator" rows.

    One option uses window function to pivot, then filters:

    select id, state, district, block, indicator, value
    from (
        select t.*,
            max(value) filter(where indicator = 'state')    over(partition by id) as state,
            max(value) filter(where indicator = 'district') over(partition by id) as district,
            max(value) filter(where indicator = 'block')    over(partition by id) as block
        from mytable t
    ) t
    where indicator like 'indicator%'
    id state district block indicator value
    1 ns yr ty indicator 1 10
    1 ns yr ty indicator 2 yes
    1 ns yr ty indicator 3 123
