When I need to alias some task's name, how should I do it?
For example, how do I turn the task name:
rake db:table
rake db:create
rake db:schema
rake db:migration
rake db:t
rake db:c
rake db:s
rake db:m
Editing after getting the answer:
def alias_task(tasks)
tasks.each do |new_name, old_name|
task new_name, [*Rake.application[old_name].arg_names] => [old_name]
alias_task [
[:ds, :db_schema],
[:dc, :db_create],
[:dr, :db_remove]
Why do you need an alias? You may introduce a new task without any code, but with a prerequisite to the original task.
namespace :db do
task :table do
puts "table"
#kind of alias
task :t => :table
This can be combined with parameters:
require 'rake'
desc 'My original task'
task :original_task, [:par1, :par2] do |t, args|
puts "#{t}: #{args.inspect}"
#Alias task.
#Parameters are send to prerequisites, if the keys are identic.
task :alias_task, [:par1, :par2] => :original_task
To avoid to search for the parameters names you may read the parameters with arg_names
#You can get the parameters of the original
task :alias_task2, *Rake.application[:original_task].arg_names, :needs => :original_task
Combine it to a define_alias_task
def define_alias_task(alias_task, original)
desc "Alias #{original}"
task alias_task, *Rake.application[original].arg_names, :needs => original
define_alias_task(:alias_task3, :original_task)
Tested with ruby 1.9.1 and rake-0.8.7.
Hmmm, well, I see that's more or less exactly the same solution RyanTM already posted some hours ago.