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Kusto query kql: nested conditional execution

Is there a way to execute expressions based on multiple conditions: e.g. enter image description here

If Condition1(a boolean param) is true AND condition2(boolean derived from param) is also true, then execute expression A. Similarly, condition1 false AND condition2 false -> expression D

I'm aware of the "union" where where not technique, but I think I'd need to nest the union structure inside another such union:

but I couldn't get this syntax^ to work.

Any suggestion is appreciated(even if not directly about achieving nested conditional execution) TIA!


  • Nvm, figured it out(fixed syntax errors). here's a working solution for this. Maybe it'll help someone:

    let cond1 = false;
    let cond2 = true;
    let A = print "A";
    let B = print "B";
    let C = print "C";
    let D = print "D";
    let AC = union (A | where cond2), (C | where not (cond2));
    let BD = union (B | where cond2), (D | where not (cond2));
    union (AC | where cond1), (BD | where not(cond1))