I am having trouble rendering an echart for object.
I've checked the documentation and numerous tutorials but for some reason I can't render an echart4r chart in html quarto file -- Am I missing something?
I receive the below error when rendering in quarto -- Its not clear to me why
Quitting from lines 14-23 [unnamed-chunk-1] (test_echarts4r.qmd)
Error in add_html_caption():
! unused argument (xfun::grep_sub("^[^<]<[^>]+aria-labelledby[ ]=[ ]"([^\"]+)".$", "\1", x))
title: "echarts4r"
format: html
diamonds %>%
count(color) %>%
echarts4r::e_charts(x = color) %>%
echarts4r::e_bar(serie = n)
I've created a issue in the repo:
Problem solved by updating Quarto to latest current release version