I have been using Pycharm for a time now and I have set up useful shortcuts for almost every action I need to take in the IDE. Nonetheless, I'm missing a shortcut to navigate tabs in the side panel like VCS. For instance:
As you can see, the VCS side panel has 4 tabs inside it. I have a shortcut to open that panel, but sometimes I want to see local changes, others the shelf, and when my pre-commit hooks fail, I want the check the console. Is there anyway to automate this movement?
Try tapping Shift twice, or "Command (MacOS)/Control (Linux/Win) - Shift - A
" for "all actions" (or check what your shortcut is for that) then type "Local Changes" and you'll see it has no default keyboard shortcut assigned, so you can go to Settings -> Keymap
, search for the same action, and assign a shortcut; possibly the same goes for all the others that may not have a default shortcut in the keyboard mapping you're using.
Alternatively, as suggested by another user, you can use "Select Next/Previous Tab"
(which is normally bound to Control/Cmd + Shift + [
or ]
) but varies from mapping to mapping, so check your keyboard settings to find out.