I'm brand new to blazor ( about 1 months). Now I'm using BlazorHero as the template to build an Spa app.
In one of my pages, Data is updated but Ui is not refreshed. Strangely, I can refresh the Ui by programmatically press the "reload" key (manually clicking the button works as well). Code here:
private MudButton _reloadButton;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
await GetDataAsync(); //It works here.
private async Task GetDataAsync()
_sourceId2RecordCounts = (await LibAdaHub.AdaPPM.DataSources.GetSourceId2MeasureRecordCounts(Config.AdaHubUrl)).Value!;
_dataRecords = (await LibAdaHub.AdaPPM.DataRecords.GetAll(Config.AdaHubUrl, _sourceId)).Value!;
//When I stepped into here, the data are really updated.
private async void CreateOrEdit(string sourceId, string recordId)
var dialog = _dialogService.Show<CreateDialog>(Localizer["DataSources"],
new DialogParameters
{nameof(CreateDialog.SourceId), sourceId},
{nameof(CreateDialog.RecordId), recordId},
{nameof(CreateDialog.Model), string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sourceId)
? null : _dataRecords.FirstOrDefault(i => i.SourceId == _sourceId)},
{nameof(CreateDialog.ModelType), typeof(DataRecord)}
new DialogOptions
CloseButton = true,
FullScreen = true,
DisableBackdropClick = true
var result = await dialog.Result;
if (result.Cancelled)
// await GetDataAsync(); //Data are updated by ui is not refreshed!
await _reloadButton.OnClick.InvokeAsync(null); //But this works and the Ui freshed.
and in the blazor:
<MudTable Hover="true" Elevation="25" Items="_dataRecords" Dense="true" Bordered="false" Striped="true"
Filter="new Func<DataRecord, bool>(Search)">
<MudButton DisableElevation Variant="Variant.Filled" Color="Color.Primary"
OnClick="async () => await CreateOrEditAsync(_sourceId, _recordId)"
StartIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.AddComment" IconColor="Color.Surface">
<MudButton @ref="_reloadButton" DisableElevation Variant="Variant.Filled" OnClick="GetDataAsync"
StartIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Refresh" IconColor="Color.Surface"
Color="Color.Secondary" Style="margin-left: 5px;">@Localizer["Reload"]</MudButton>
Although I can get the job done by introducing the _reloadButton, but it looks veired. Any idea? Thanks!
2023-7-4: I just added the code of calling CreateOrEdit() in the second piece of code.
It does appear to be the async void
. That breaks the normal update flow.
Try this:
//private async void CreateOrEdit(string sourceId, string recordId)
private async Task CreateOrEdit(string sourceId, string recordId)
... as before
await GetDataAsync(); // ought to work now
// await _reloadButton.OnClick.InvokeAsync(null);