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How to avoid and handle Neo.TransientError.Transaction.DeadlockDetected?

When doing load testing, I am seeing Deadlock errors happening occasionally, I added retries and its been working well. However, how do I know how to improve? The errors are quite vague so I cannot tell which query is causing this

{code: Neo.TransientError.Transaction.DeadlockDetected} {message: ForsetiClient[transactionId=75637, clientId=2431] can't acquire ExclusiveLock{owner=ForsetiClient[transactionId=75634, clientId=2450]} on NODE_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_DELETE(116) because holders of that lock are waiting for ForsetiClient[transactionId=75637, clientId=2431].

The weird thing is I dont think I have code that does a relationship delete. I am actually doing MERGE to add nodes and relationships along the lines of:

MERGE (o:Org {id: $orgId}) 

MERGE (a:Item {id: $itemId})
SET a.orgId=$orgId,$itemName

MERGE (s:SubItem {id: $subItemId})

MERGE (o)-[:HAS_ITEM]->(a)
MERGE (a)-[:HAS_SUB_ITEM]->(s)


Managed to identity the part causing the deadlock. I am modelling tags as a node and I suspect when many items use the same tag, and I try to merge the relationship, it causes a deadlock

MATCH (t:Tag {name: "a"})
MATCH (i:Item {name: "x"})
MERGE (i)-[:TAGGED]->(t)

I think this is the part causing deadlock often, how might I avoid this?


  • Found the reason why deadlocks happen very frequently already. Also thanks to @Tomaž Bratanič's whose link to the docs helped. Specifically this part

    Lock taken on a node during the transaction creation phase to prevent deletion of that node and/or relationship group. This is different from the NODE lock in order to allow concurrent label and property changes together with relationship modifications.


    Table 2. Obtained locks for graph modifications Creating a relationship* If the node is sparse: NODE lock. If a node is dense: NODE DELETE prevention lock.

    Important part is the part about dense node. Because I am modelling :Category as a node, 1 category can have many edges creating a "dense node".

    Googling more about it, I found and started attempting to make the node less dense with some trade offs. Basically I made it a category specific to the "user" rather than globally. So instead of the category being uniqued by name, I also added a userId of sort so its a "composite key". I also added a TEXT index on name such that I can query easily for all category regardless of user quickly