I have the below query and I would like to find the total number of exams a student has taken in a school year as a new column called totalExamsTaken
StudentExam table has fields of studentID, examDesc, examGrade, schoolYear StudentInfo table has fields of studentID, studentName, age, gender
| lookup StudentExams on studentID
| project studentID, studentName, age, gender, examDesc, examGrade, schoolYear
In the end I would like to create a table that has columns of studentID
, studentName
, age
, gender
, schoolYear
, totalExamsTaken.
StudentID StudentName Age Gender SchoolYear TotalExamsTaken
0001 John Doe 15 Male 2019 13
0001 John Doe 15 Male 2018 19
0001 John Doe 15 Male 2017 15
0002 Jane Doe 16 Female 2019 13
0002 Jane Doe 16 Female 2018 19
0002 Jane Doe 16 Female 2017 12
Is this possible?
you could try something like this, using the lookup
let examCountByStudentId =
| summarize totalExamsTaken = count() by studentId, schoolYear
| lookup examCountByStudentId on studentId