Maybe someone knows, how to add a condition: if the payment amount is less than 3000 - certain payment method is hidden?
For example, there are 2 payment methods:
If the amount is less than 3000, the "cash" method is hidden.
As far as I understand, I need to get the payment gateway ID, and then apply the snippet:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', 'custom_paypal_disable_manager' );
function custom_paypal_disable_manager( $available_gateways ) {
if ( $total_amount < 3000 ) {
unset( $available_gateways['ID payment gateway'] );
return $available_gateways;
But I don't know how to get the payment gateway ID (there are several payment methods and they are all implemented by different plugins). Perhaps there is a way to get all IDs of payment gateways in a list.
I would be grateful for any information.
Get the payment method ID
Using the following code, will display near the footer on front end, the payment ID visible only to administrator and shop manage user roles:
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'display_payment_method_ids_for_admins' );
function display_payment_method_ids_for_admins(){
if( current_user_can( 'administrator') || current_user_can( 'shop_manager') ) {
$available_gateways = WC()->payment_gateways->get_available_payment_gateways();
if ( ! $available_gateways ) {
$output_html = '<table style="max-width:480px;border:solid 1px #ccc;">
<thead><tr><td>Payment Title</td><td>Payment ID</td></tr></thead>
foreach( $available_gateways as $payment_id => $gateway ) {
$output_html .= '<tr><td>'.$gateway->get_title().'</td><td><code>'.$payment_id.'</code></td></tr>';
echo '<pre>'.$output_html.'</tbody></table></pre>';
Code goes in functions.php file of your active child theme (or active theme).
Once used, remove it.