I want to download 6 month data of TSLA with resolution of 1 minute, but the code returned an empty dataframe.
symbol_history = yf.Ticker('TSLA').history(period='1d', interval='1m') # OK
symbol_history = yf.Ticker('TSLA').history(period='max', interval='1m') # OK with 6 days period
symbol_history = yf.Ticker('TSLA').history(period='6mo', interval='1m') # Not OK. Empty Dataframe
Is there any limitation of pair of periods and intervals?
How to get these data?
According to the yfinance Wiki
Intraday data cannot extend last 60 days
- 1m - max 7 days within last 30 days
- up to 90m - max 60 days
- 60m, 1h - max 730 days (yes 1h is technically < 90m but this what Yahoo does)