I have a shell extension which allows users to right-click a folder and then passes the path as an argument to a utility.
To work in a network environment, it has to resolve any mounted drives. For example if the path were P:\projects\P123 it might resolve to \\server3\business\projects\P123
The following code from Stackoverflow has worked fine, but I now need to handle situations where the user right-clicks on the folder of a local drive. For example if the folder is c:\users\JohnDoe\documents I need it to return this very same path. Unfortunately for a path like this it returns \users\JohnDoe\documents which obviously won't work.
I'm a novice so if you can help, please could you spell out the advice so that someone with limited experience can understand it - thanks.
public string GetUNCPath(string path)
string rval = path;
string driveprefix = path.Substring(0, 2);
string unc;
if (driveprefix != "\\")
ManagementObject mo = new ManagementObject();
mo.Path = new ManagementPath(String.Format("Win32_LogicalDisk='{0}'", driveprefix));
unc = (string)mo["ProviderName"];
rval = path.Replace(driveprefix, unc);
if (rval == null)
{ rval = path; }
return rval;
In the end I worked it out myself. All I needed was to test whether the drive was local. Here's the working code:
public string GetUNCPath(string path)
if (!IsNetworkDrive(path)) return path; // If it's not a network path, just return the path unchanged
string rval = path;
string driveprefix = path.Substring(0, 2);
string unc;
if (driveprefix != "\\")
ManagementObject mo = new ManagementObject();
mo.Path = new ManagementPath(String.Format("Win32_LogicalDisk='{0}'", driveprefix));
unc = (string)mo["ProviderName"];
rval = path.Replace(driveprefix, unc);
if (rval == null)
{ rval = path; }
return rval;
public bool IsNetworkDrive(string path)
FileInfo f = new FileInfo(path);
string driveRoot = Path.GetPathRoot(f.FullName); // Example return "C:\"
// find the drive
System.IO.DriveInfo[] drives = System.IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives();
foreach (var drive in drives)
string driveName = drive.Name; // C:\, E:\, etc:\
if (driveName == driveRoot) // if this is the drive
System.IO.DriveType driveType = drive.DriveType;
if (driveType == System.IO.DriveType.Network) return true;
return false;