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How to generate an APK with all assets from asset packs included?

I have android application with asset packs downloading at install time. Now I need an APK(galaxy build) with all the assets from asset packs included in it.

I have tried including this in app's build.gradle file

if (project.hasProperty("includeAssets")) { assetPacks = [":play_asset_test"] }

and used ./gradlew assembleGalaxyArm64Release -PincludeAssets to generate apk. But this didn't work.

How to generate an APK with all assets from asset packs included?


  • I used used gradle properties and added it in the command and based on the property, include the asset pack location.

    Gradle command:

    ./gradlew --project-prop includeAssetPackFiles assemblePlayArm64Release

    In build.gradle set asset folders paths

    if (project.hasProperty("includeAssetPackFiles")) {
         assets.srcDirs = ['../play_asset_test/src/main/assets', 'assets', '../play_asset_test_ff/src/main/assets']
    } else {
         assets.srcDirs = ['assets']

    This worked for me. Please share if there are any other approaches.