I have an issue with PG Driver in Java. Usually I need to stream around 50-60 million rows from db to my java application, however (internally) the PG Driver creates a lot of garbage and all the Garbage Collections slow down my application. The garbage comes from ResultSet.getDouble() or ResultSet.getTimestamp() .
Is there any alternative and much more GC friendly way to stream data from QuestDB to a Java application ?
You'll get better PG driver performance for large dataset transfer by setting the following connection properties:
to trigger binary transfer (thus reduce the number of temporary objects), and:
to limit result set caching done by PG driver.
In binary mode, ResultSet.getTimestamp() still allocates an object for each row, so a workaround is to cast it to long in query and transform to timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp.setTime() & java.sql.Timestamp.setNanos()) on client side yourself. With setup described above transfer of 60 mil rows of 3 columns takes about 10s. With default settings it's more than 5 times longer.
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("user", "admin");
properties.setProperty("password", "quest");
properties.setProperty("binaryTransfer", "true");
properties.setProperty("preferQueryMode", "extended");
properties.setProperty("prepareThreshold", "-1");
try (final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://", properties)) {
try (Statement create = connection.createStatement()) {
create.execute(("create table x as (select rnd_double() d, cast(x as timestamp) ts, x l from long_sequence(60000000))"));
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try (PreparedStatement select = connection.prepareStatement("select d, cast(ts as long), l from x")) {
double sumD = 0;
long sumTs = 0;
long sumL = 0;
try (ResultSet resultSet = select.executeQuery()) {
while (resultSet.next()) {
sumD += resultSet.getDouble(1);
sumTs += resultSet.getLong(2);
sumL += resultSet.getLong(3);
System.out.println(sumD + ", " + sumTs + ", " + sumL);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(end - start);