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Merge a list and an array of JSON in JenkinsFile

I have a list that looks like this - [1,2,3,4,5,6]

I have an array of JSON objects that looks like this -

Full List: [{ "Key": "CI", "Value": "SERVICES" } , { "Key": "CI", "Value": "" }]

Expected output -

Full List: [{ "Key": "CI", "Value": "SERVICES", "Account": "1" } , { "Key": "CI", "Value": "", "Account": "2" }]

How to do this inside jenkins file using groovy. I have tried and failed.


  • This should get you started:

    def list = [1,2,3]
    def full_list = ['{ "Key": "CI", "Value": "SERVICES" }' , '{ "Key": "CI", "Value": "" }']
    full_list.eachWithIndex { item, index ->
        def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(item)
        json["Account"] = list[index]
        full_list[index] = json


    ["[Account:1, Key:CI, Value:SERVICES]", "[Account:2, Key:CI, Value:]"]

    We simply loop through the array, convert each item to a json map object, append the new "Account" key into the map with the corresponding value of the other list, and replace the original array item with the modified map value.