I have an antd upload component that is uploading the a file to the backend ( expressjs). I want to send some data in the upload post request. There is a data field in the upload component, according to antd documentation the data field is
Uploading extra params or function which can return uploading extra params
So I thought that's what i was looking for, this is my code
action={config.backend.url + "/file/upload"}
Apparently this doesnt work because in the backend, the request.body is empty. I am not sure what im doing wrong, the file is uploaded sucessfully but i m not able to send some metadata in the body of the request. What am i doing wrong and how can i send some metadata alongside the file upload ?
Thank you so much
It is possible to use custom request like @NoNam4 said, But Antd upload component has data props and you can use it pass params.
The problem is that I was using express body parser which does not parse form-data and does not handle multipart bodies.
So I changed this
to this
import multer from "multer"
Basically multer is handling the form-data type and parsing it to req.body