Rerefence to this post "Bulk Find and Replace", and my previous post "Replace Text in Multiple Document", I try to replace Text in multiple documents, from the list "Document ID" and "Text To Replace" on my spreadsheet.
This is the Word List To Be Replace :
And this is the documents ID list, where I want to Find and Replace Text.
I try to combine two script from Reference Post :
function bulkreplaceText() {
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheetIDList = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('DOC TO REPLACE');
const colId = 3;
const firstRowID = 2;
const lastRowId = sheetIDList.getLastRow();
const n = lastRowId - firstRowID;
const sheetTextToRplc = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('LIST WORD TO REPLACE');
const colExstText = 2 ;
const firstRowRplcTxt = 2 ;
const lastRowRplcTxt = sheetTextToRplc.getLastRow();
const nRow = lastRowRplcTxt - firstRowRplcTxt + 1
const rangeRplc =
sheetTextToRplc.getRange(firstRowRplcTxt,colExstText,nRow,2).getA1Notation() ;
let startRow = firstRowID // First Row DOC ID
var values = sheetIDList.getRange(startRow, colId, n).getDisplayValues();
values.forEach(([docId]) => {
if (!docId) return;
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(docId);
var rgtxt = doc.getBody();
var rgrep = sheetTextToRplc.getRange(rangeRplc);
var repA = rgrep.getValues().filter(r => r.every(c => c.toString()));
repA.forEach(e => rgtxt.replaceText(...e));
I am greatful for any help.
const n = lastRowId - firstRowID;
might be const n = lastRowId - firstRowID + 1;
can be moved out of forEach because repA
is not changed.When these points are reflected in your script, how about the following modification?
function bulkreplaceText() {
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheetIDList = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('DOC TO REPLACE');
const colId = 3;
const firstRowID = 2;
const lastRowId = sheetIDList.getLastRow();
const n = lastRowId - firstRowID + 1;
const sheetTextToRplc = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('LIST WORD TO REPLACE');
const colExstText = 2;
const firstRowRplcTxt = 2;
const lastRowRplcTxt = sheetTextToRplc.getLastRow();
const nRow = lastRowRplcTxt - firstRowRplcTxt + 1
const rangeRplc = sheetTextToRplc.getRange(firstRowRplcTxt, colExstText, nRow, 2).getA1Notation();
let startRow = firstRowID
var values = sheetIDList.getRange(startRow, colId, n).getDisplayValues();
var rgrep = sheetTextToRplc.getRange(rangeRplc);
var repA = rgrep.getValues().filter(r => r.every(c => c.toString()));
values.forEach(([docId]) => {
if (!docId) return;
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(docId);
var rgtxt = doc.getBody();
repA.forEach(e => rgtxt.replaceText(...e));