I am creating a service in which i am asking user about a particular time of the day for example a user selects 7:15 PM , then user will be notified at this particular time everyday. Each user can select any time of the day and the time is stored in a NoSQL DB along with other user details, Now the problem is i need to scan database each minute to find out every user's specified time which is not ideal and very expensive. I cannot think of any other architecture,i cannot use local notifications of the phones, notifications has to be remote i.e. sent from a backend server.
Thanks for any help you could offer.
If you have a system where you can keep data in memory, you can implement a priority queue quite cheaply - such as what I've shown for Firebase Realtime Database in this example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ttl
The key points for such a structure are:
The main code is:
function checkFirstAndTrigger() {
clearTimeout(timer); // clear any potentially pending timer, since we may have been interrupted
if (first && first.exists()) {
const deltaMs = first.child(ttlProp).val() - Date.now();
// if the item has to be triggered now (or before now), do so
if (deltaMs <= 0) {
first.ref.remove(); // this will retrigger the child_added listener below
else {
console.log(`Waiting for ${deltaMs}ms`)
// we were triggered prematurely, wait until it's our time (or until we're interrupted)
timer = setTimeout(checkFirstAndTrigger, deltaMs);
// Set a trigger for the first item/task in the list. This gets triggered
// when a new first item is added, or when the current first item gets deleted.
queue.orderByChild(ttlProp).limitToFirst(1).on('child_added', (snapshot) => {
// a new item became the first in the queue, either because a new one was added or because the previous first got deleted
first = snapshot;