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Word VBA to check every object in the doc is smaller than page margin

I need to check every object (table, figure) in a large document and ensure they do not go outside of margins? i.e., compare each object's width with page width... then flag with <TOO_LARGE> on top of every page for easy search.

Thanks in advance! BT

I searched on the web and can't find anything to based off.


  • Because flag with <TOO_LARGE> on top of every page will change the original content, I bookmark those objects instead. You can try it first:

    Only one kind PageSetup:

    Sub CheckObjectMargins()
        Dim doc As Word.Document, rng As Range, i As Long, c As Word.cell
        Dim obj As Object, objWidth As Single
        Dim objs As New VBA.Collection
        Dim pageWidth As Long
        Dim tooLarge As Boolean, ur As UndoRecord
        Set ur = Word.Application.UndoRecord
        ur.StartCustomRecord "CheckObjectMargins"
        Set doc = ActiveDocument
        ' Get the page width.
        pageWidth = doc.PageSetup.pageWidth - doc.PageSetup.LeftMargin - doc.PageSetup.RightMargin
        ' Loop through all the inline shapes in the document.
        For Each obj In doc.InlineShapes
            ' Check if the object's width is greater than the page width.
            tooLarge = obj.Width > pageWidth
            ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
            If tooLarge Then
                objs.Add obj
            End If
        Next obj
        For Each obj In doc.Tables
            ' Check if the object's width is greater than the page width.
            If Not obj.PreferredWidth = 9999999 Then
                tooLarge = obj.PreferredWidth > pageWidth
                For Each c In obj.Range.Cells
                    If i = 0 Then
                        i = c.RowIndex
                        If i < c.RowIndex Then
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    End If
                    objWidth = objWidth + c.Width
                Next c
            End If
            tooLarge = objWidth > pageWidth
            ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
            If tooLarge Then
                objs.Add obj
            End If
            objWidth = 0: i = 0
        Next obj
        For Each obj In doc.Shapes
            ' Check if the object's width is greater than the page width.
            tooLarge = obj.Width > pageWidth
            ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
            If tooLarge Then
                objs.Add obj
            End If
        Next obj
        i = 0
        For Each obj In objs
            Set rng = obj.Range
            i = i + 1
            If rng.Information(wdInContentControl) Then
                If rng.End + 1 < doc.Range.End Then
                    rng.SetRange rng.End + 1, rng.End + 1
                    rng.SetRange rng.Start - 1, rng.Start - 1
                End If
            End If
            ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
            rng.Bookmarks.Add "TOO_LARGE" & i, rng
        Next obj
    End Sub

    Multiple PageSetups:

    ... One other question, how to ensure that the pagewidth is checked in every section break (i.e., I have portrait/landscape/portrait/landscape page orientation within the same document)... I noticed that every object in landscape orientation is flagged. I tried to add "For Each Sec In doc.Section" to have pagewidth re-calculated, but it is still using the portrait one to check for the entire document...

    Sub CheckObjectMargins()
        Dim doc As Word.Document, rng As Range, i As Long, c As Word.cell
        Dim obj As Object, objWidth As Single
        Dim objs As New VBA.Collection
        Dim pageWidth As Long
        Dim tooLarge As Boolean, ur As UndoRecord
        Dim sec As Word.Section, sRng As Range
        Set ur = Word.Application.UndoRecord
        ur.StartCustomRecord "CheckObjectMargins"
        Set doc = ActiveDocument
        Set sRng = selection.Range.Duplicate
        For Each sec In doc.Sections
            ' Get the page width.
            'pageWidth = doc.PageSetup.pageWidth - doc.PageSetup.LeftMargin - doc.PageSetup.RightMargin
            pageWidth = sec.PageSetup.pageWidth - sec.PageSetup.LeftMargin - sec.PageSetup.RightMargin
            ' Loop through all the inline shapes in the document.
            For Each obj In sec.Range.InlineShapes
                ' Check if the object's width is greater than the page width.
                tooLarge = obj.Width > pageWidth
                ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
                If tooLarge Then
                    objs.Add obj
                End If
            Next obj
            For Each obj In sec.Range.Tables
                ' Check if the object's width is greater than the page width.
                If Not obj.PreferredWidth = 9999999 Then
                    tooLarge = obj.PreferredWidth > pageWidth
                    For Each c In obj.Range.Cells
                        If i = 0 Then
                            i = c.RowIndex
                            If i < c.RowIndex Then
                                Exit For
                            End If
                        End If
                        objWidth = objWidth + c.Width
                    Next c
                End If
                tooLarge = objWidth > pageWidth
                ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
                If tooLarge Then
                    objs.Add obj
                End If
                objWidth = 0: i = 0
            Next obj
            For Each obj In sec.Range.ShapeRange
                ' Check if the object's width is greater than the page width.
                tooLarge = obj.Width > pageWidth
                ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
                If tooLarge Then
                    objs.Add obj
                End If
            Next obj
        Next sec
        i = 0
        For Each obj In objs
            i = i + 1
            If VBA.TypeName(obj) = "Shape" Then
                ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
                doc.Bookmarks.Add "TOO_LARGE" & i, selection.Range
                Set rng = obj.Range
                If rng.Information(wdInContentControl) Then
                    If rng.End + 1 < doc.Range.End Then
                        rng.SetRange rng.End + 1, rng.End + 1
                        rng.SetRange rng.Start - 1, rng.Start - 1
                    End If
                End If
                ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
                rng.Bookmarks.Add "TOO_LARGE" & i, rng
            End If
        Next obj
        selection.SetRange sRng.Start, sRng.End
    End Sub

    Multiple PageSetups and tables wider:

    Question though... just for tables, is there a way to extract tables left/right locations so I can compare against page margins (i.e., table started at -0.3 in of the page... but there is a 0.5 left margin)... same goes with the right...

    Sub CheckObjectMargins()
        Dim doc As Word.Document, rng As Range, i As Long, c As Word.cell
        Dim obj As Object, objWidth As Single
        Dim objs As New VBA.Collection
        Dim pageWidth As Long
        Dim tooLarge As Boolean, ur As UndoRecord
        Dim sec As Word.Section, sRng As Range
        Dim tbLeft As Single
        Const table_started_at As Single = 0.3
        Const table_started_at_R As Single = 0.3
        Set ur = Word.Application.UndoRecord
        ur.StartCustomRecord "CheckObjectMargins"
        Set doc = ActiveDocument
        Set sRng = selection.Range.Duplicate
        For Each sec In doc.Sections
            ' Get the page width.
            'pageWidth = doc.PageSetup.pageWidth - doc.PageSetup.LeftMargin - doc.PageSetup.RightMargin
            pageWidth = sec.PageSetup.pageWidth - sec.PageSetup.LeftMargin - sec.PageSetup.RightMargin
            ' Loop through all the inline shapes in the document.
            For Each obj In sec.Range.InlineShapes
                ' Check if the object's width is greater than the page width.
                tooLarge = obj.Width > pageWidth
                ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
                If tooLarge Then
                    objs.Add obj
                End If
            Next obj
            For Each obj In sec.Range.Tables
                ' Check if the object's width is greater than the page width.
                If Not obj.PreferredWidth = 9999999 Then
                    tooLarge = obj.PreferredWidth > pageWidth
                    For Each c In obj.Range.Cells
                        If i = 0 Then
                            i = c.RowIndex
                            If i < c.RowIndex Then
                                Exit For
                            End If
                        End If
                        objWidth = objWidth + c.Width
                    Next c
                    tooLarge = objWidth > pageWidth
                End If
                ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
                If tooLarge Then
                    tbLeft = obj.Range.Information(wdHorizontalPositionRelativeToPage)
                    If tbLeft < InchesToPoints(table_started_at) Or _
                        pageWidth - (tbLeft + objWidth) < table_started_at_R Then
                        objs.Add obj
                    End If
                End If
                objWidth = 0: i = 0
            Next obj
            For Each obj In sec.Range.ShapeRange
                ' Check if the object's width is greater than the page width.
                tooLarge = obj.Width > pageWidth
                ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
                If tooLarge Then
                    objs.Add obj
                End If
            Next obj
        Next sec
        i = 0
        For Each obj In objs
            i = i + 1
            If VBA.TypeName(obj) = "Shape" Then
                ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
                doc.Bookmarks.Add "TOO_LARGE" & i, selection.Range
                Set rng = obj.Range
                If rng.Information(wdInContentControl) Then
                    If rng.End + 1 < doc.Range.End Then
                        rng.SetRange rng.End + 1, rng.End + 1
                        rng.SetRange rng.Start - 1, rng.Start - 1
                    End If
                End If
                ' If the object is too large, flag it with a bookmark.
                rng.Bookmarks.Add "TOO_LARGE" & i, rng
            End If
        Next obj
        selection.SetRange sRng.Start, sRng.End
    End Sub

    After marking them all, you can use Ctrl + Shift + F5 to navigate these bookmarks and go to every too-large one by double-clicking on a bookmark's name or select one then click go-to button. like this: enter image description here